Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Thankful Living
The Believer’s Bible Commentary states “Usually we think of thankfulness as something that is determined by our immediate circumstances, but … it is a grace to be cultivated.”
I don’t know about you, but I find it is easier to be thankful when things are going well and going my way i.e. positive circumstances. But when things are not going well and going every way but my way, i.e. negative circumstances, I must admit, thankfulness is not always my first response.
Two old friends met each other on the street one day. One looked forlorn, almost on the verge of tears. His friend asked, “What has the world done to you, my old friend?”
The sad fellow said, “Let me tell you: three weeks ago, my uncle died and left me forty thousand dollars.”
“That’s a lot of money.”
“But you see, two weeks ago, a cousin I never even knew died, and left me eighty-five thousand dollars, free and clear.”
“Sounds to me that you’ve been very blessed.”
“You don’t understand!” he interrupted. “Last week my great-aunt passed away. I inherited almost a quarter of a million from her.”
Now the man’s friend was really confused. “Then, why do you look so glum?”
“This week . . . nothing!” (~Anonymous~)
How often do we do the same as the man in this story? We become so enamored with the gift, we cease to give thanks to the Giver and we become unthankful.
Giving thanks is replete throughout Scripture. But the great example of our Lord in giving thanks the same night in which he was betrayed is the kind of thankfulness that needs cultivating.
(1Cor. 11:23-24a) “For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: And when he had given thanks, he brake it…”
Truly, we have been given the perfect example of what it means to “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1Thess. 5:18) When Jesus faced death on the cross, He submitted to the will of the Father and became obedient unto death “Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” (Luke 22:42).
It may or may not be a physical death we are called upon to go through. It might simply be a death to one’s self and a submission to the will of the Father whatever the circumstance. We are commanded to be thankful (Col. 3:15). We are to enter into His gates with thanksgiving! To cultivate means to nurture. To nurture thankfulness is to make it a part of our submission and obedience to Christ. This is a process which, the more one gets to know his/her God, becomes a way of living for the Christian.
Each day, while there is life, is an opportunity to offer thanksgiving.
(Psalm 6:5) “For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?”
I want to thank you, Lord, much more than I do. Thank you for saving me! Thank you for the testing you have allowed in my life even this day.
I thank you, Lord, for your reminder to me to cultivate/nurture thankfulness.
I thank my husband, (Pastor John Schofield), for asking me to be a guest writer for this week’s blog as it has prompted these thoughts to be penned.
I thank you, Dear Reader, for taking of your time to read this.
Because of the One Who Blesses,
Loretta Schofield
(on behalf of Pastor John Schofield)
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