About Calvary Baptist
Brief history
The history of Calvary Baptist Church and its predecessor, the Brainard Baptist Church, is very rich in beliefs and convictions that have set its direction and purpose. Since its inception in 1895, the church stood upon the fact that the Bible is the inspired, inherent Word of God, and therefore is its only standard for its faith and practice. Throughout the years, the message and mission of the church has remained true to the Scriptures. The message which has sounded forth from its pulpit has been the good news of Jesus Christ.
In 1927, a series of evangelistic meetings were conducted by evangelist Dan Shannon. Many souls were saved and added to the church and area churches as well. The Brainard Baptist Church’s location was originally 5 miles north of Granada. After the parsonage burned due to an overheated furnace in January of 1963, the congregation purchased four acres of land in Granada. The members voted in May of 1963 to change the name to Calvary Baptist Church. In January of 1966, the church voted to construct a new church building. Ground breaking was held on October 16th and a building dedication transpired one year later on October 15, 1967. On Sunday, September 26, 1993 the church broke ground for a 2,300 sq. ft. addition and remodeling. Since then, a city waste backup was the impetus for further remodeling including kitchen renovations and the addition of more classrooms,an auditorium overflow room, basement restrooms and a prophet’s chamber that has become a great asset in ministering to visiting pastors, evangelists, missionaries and lay people.
Calvary Baptist Church has benefited from the leadership of its pastors through the years and continues to be a lighthouse for the gospel of Jesus Christ, and a place for God’s people to occupy till the Lord returns.
“I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” (John 9:4)