Today is the beginning of a week of preparations which is going to carry Loretta and me through the 4th of July. We will be traveling to PA where I have been invited to preach for Community Baptist Church of Quaker Town, PA at a men’s campout. The theme for this year’s camp is “Trophies”.
If I were to ask you or most people for that matter “Who won the super bowl in 2010?” a majority of people would not remember. In 2010 there were Super Bowl rings to be won for the players and the Vince Lombardi trophy for the winning team. Yet in a few short years its importance is lost. The questions need to be asked “What are the important trophies to be won in a man’s life? What should a man have in his trophy case of life which will endure the test of time and eternity?”
I believe I have found four eternal markers which need to be part of every man’s life if he is to truly win the race God has set out for each of us. Without the reality of these important aspects of being a man, life is trivial. Now because of God’s calling and circumstance, it may be some men may have only two of the four. But most men should seek fulfillment in Christ in these four areas.
Salvation: Without Christ as our savior, we have no basis for successful living. Like the Super Bowl trophy, a life without Christ will be lost in obscurity on the planet and spend an eternity in hell. The greatest trophy in a man’s life should be his personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Wife: Most men are wired by God to be married. There are some eunuchs by choice or birth who do not have the need for a marital relationship. But this is a definite minority. “He who findeth a wife findeth a good thing.” A Godly helpmate is the next great trophy in a man’s life.
Children: Unless hindered by barrenness, children are the natural outcome of a Godly marriage. The fish hanging on the wall cannot go to heaven with you, but if you raise your children in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord and they trust Christ, they can.
Souls: “He that winneth souls is wise and they shall shine as the stars of heaven.” To lead a friend, a family member, a co-worker, or a complete stranger to Christ is an eternal trophy you will enjoy fellowship with for all eternity. My saved soul, the souls of my wife and children, and the souls of others are the only real trophies that will be an encouragement in time and last for all eternity.
Won by Christ,
Pastor John Schofield
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