January 7, 2015
Happy New Year!!!! It is a new year, but whether or not it will be so happy is yet to be seen. The whole world seems to be at war politically, socially, economically, and religiously. How then shall the Christian live in such an unfavorable environment? I believe the way to be able to stand in a wicked generation is clearly outlined for us in the battle dress of Ephesians chapter 6.
Paul clearly teaches us our enemy is not flesh and blood but spiritual wickedness in high places. The Devil likes to put a human face upon his evil design, but in reality human beings are simply his pawns in a great rebellion against his Creator. Knowing this helps me to get dressed each day in spiritual readiness for whatever the day brings. To be dressed with the helmet of salvation, the breast plate of righteousness, the belt of truth around my loins, the feet shod with the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, equips us to be able to stand in an evil day.
To worry about tomorrow is a futile exercise. God only gives us today to live in. May God help us to embrace the day trusting in Him to help us sort it in a way which will honor Him, edify those around us, and redeem the time in a way which impacts eternity for good. The joy of the Lord is our strength, not the circumstances which surround us. If we focus on things we have no power over, we end up in a siege seeking to weaken our resolve, and sapping our strength. Ah, but if we chose to focus on the Lord, we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us. Phil. 4:13.
The Word teaches us the righteous are as a bold as a lion. (Prov. 28:1).But this only comes to us if we gaze with faith into the eyes of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. May God gird us with His strength for today! May our plans for tomorrow be only tentative. Yes, we need to wise stewards for tomorrow, but with the realization the morrow may be totally different than our expectations. Tomorrow may be fickle, but our Lord who has already been there is not changeable. Our God is good all the time and spans the time from the beginning to the end. Why worry about the future when He has already outlined the ultimate victory for us?
In the mean time, we must occupy till He comes. Happy New Year 2015??? Yes, it can be if we are willing to trust in His Providence for the New Year, His protection, His provision, and His path for each and every one of His people.
So may God bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you in 2015 and grant you that peace which passes all understanding as you keep your heart and mind stayed upon Him.
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor John Schofield
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